Like the sun through the trees you came to love me
Like a leaf on a breeze you blew away
Growing up in Australia, the concept of distinct seasons was foreign to me. In Sydney it’s either summer, or not summer. Sure, some leaves fall in autumn and spring time is windy – but visually there isn’t a great deal of difference aside from the length of shadows on the ground.
I was struck by these differences in my first year living in Vancouver. Not only the change, but the speed of change. I’d never seen such green tree leaves as what hit my eyeballs in spring. And the colours which greeted me in autumn were so bright and saturated they didn’t seem to belong in nature. Maple red is on their flag for a reason.
I decided to catalog these visual differences as observed from my Canadian home, 25 stories above Vancouver. I love straight, clean lines. The visual un-distort / distort treatment I used turned out even better than I had hoped.