Utah Road Trip – Part 3 of 4: Westworld

Ennio Morricone blasted loudly from my car speakers as I zoomed along highway 313 toward Dead Horse Point State Park. Think of any film you’ve ever seen set in the old west – chances are it was shot either in Dead Horse or in Monument Valley. In this section of my trip I visited both of these spots.

Dead Horse Point State Park + Canyonlands National Park
A solar evaporation pond contrasts against a desolate landscape.
Note the small patch of green lawn at the bottom middle of frame.

Dead Horse Point overlooks the Colorado River and Canyonlands National Park, and it was cool. I stayed here for about an hour walking along the edge of the canyon. Dramatic shapes and shadows form in every direction – the green edge of the Colorado river popping against the brown canyon.

Next I moved on to Canyonlands. I took less photos here. As spectacular as it was to experience hiking around, the scenery wasn’t terrifically different as I moved about.

Monument Valley

My alarm went off at five in the morning, and as the sun was rising I filled my tank with petrol and got moving to my next destination – Monument Valley. I wanted to get there before any potential crowds got in the way, particularly at the entrance, known now as Forrest Gump point – named for the spot where Forrest stopped his run across America. Thankfully there weren’t many cars around at all so I was able to get out onto the road and get some shots.

After about ten minutes another car pulled up behind mine and I met a couple of guys from California doing much the same trip as myself. I ended up in a convoy with them into the Navajo nation land. They had an off-road vehicle and invited me along to do the drive around the valley, where I was able to get some great shots.

This trip was the first time I’d ever used a tripod. It opened up a whole new world of photography of which I was previously unaware. I found a spot outside my room to set up and captured the colours changing across the mesas, then the stars above, and in the morning I shot the sun as it rose behind one of the mittens.

This shot is a composite of two photos – one from midnight and one from sunrise. Without a tripod these shots wouldn’t have lined up so perfectly, nor would I have been able to capture those stars without a lot more blur.

As spectacular as Monument Valley was, there really wasn’t a lot to do, so once I’d stayed the night I hopped in my car and ventured into the north of Arizona on my way to the last stop of my road trip loop…

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