Ear Candy 2020.11 – Diminishing Returns, Oh

Cutting grass with scissors, whilst the great leader’s reclining

I’m a tad late on my November playlist. I’ll probably switch to every other month after this. I considered making a yearly playlist, but it’s essentially redundant since I’ve been doing them all year. I will note though – my top played track of the year was Momentary Bliss (below). Every time in enters my ears, it leaves me in the right mood.

My most played song of the year, and for good reason. It slaps. And the album it began was their best in a decade

As for this month – new Avalanches (from the dreamiest album of the year), new Voidz, a new-ish Strokes (from a few months back), some other bits and pieces. BC Camplight opens with a really cool slow builder and a favourite Christmas tune closes the year in music.