Ear Candy 2021.02 – Please Clap

Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?

Well I’ve made another lap around the sun and can no longer pass for mid thirties any more. But hey, late thirties is still not the big four-zero I suppose.

Somehow I find myself with PTSD related to my journey home from Canada. The stresses and anxieties of getting back here linger, triggered by a covid scare and cloudy weather at Christmas – and despite the glorious weather and improved opportunities and environment with which I am surrounded since. Four hours of sleep last night suggests my head doesn’t care about that.

I feel for everyone still stuck inside in other parts of the world, and for those still trying to get back to Australia. It’s shameful that so little has been done to assist them.

We’re chimpanzees with brains the size of planets. The logical, rational brain is in a fight with its chemical, emotional side. It’s little wonder the two often struggle to coexist.

Anyway, here’s some tunes! I’m pretty happy with this one…