Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.

Yeah, I’ve really been feeling a Holden Caulfield mood this month. People, man. But the tunes keep coming with my monthly playlist below. Biggest discovery for me this month is Squid out of Brighton. Their album Bright Green Field has plugged a post-punk shaped hole in my soul, with some James Murphy / Modest Mouse -esque vocal stylings and fresh and unpredictable musical progression. Get into it.
Some other thoughts…
- Today was the coldest June day in Sydney in 122 years, which I loved cause I was able to wear my Canadian clothes without looking like a Sydney winter douche (side note: it was only 5 degrees colder than the same day, opposite season back in Vancouver) *gloat*
- Gerry Harvey is a colossal prick, and the cloth that he’s cut from still wraps the world like Christo. When entitled boomers make room for youth we might have a chance of moving forward. Easily the most selfish group of people to have ever existed.
Ok I’m done. Tunes…